Friday, September 21, 2012


A couple weekends ago we went and picked apples!  We were carrying a load of canning paraphernalia at Ace Hardware and a man stopped us and told us we were welcome to pick apples off his four trees.  So of course we took him up on the offer!  He left the apple picker outside for us and we went to town. 

The apples were SO good!  Ryan canned a bunch of apple sauce and apple slices and we are planning on going back for more!  We also got 25 lbs of tomatoes and a bushel of green chilies at the farmer's market.  So now we have tons of salsa and pizza sauce and frozen roasted green chilies for soup in the winter!

The past two weekends we've been watching a bunch of football...oh how I love football season for so many reasons besides just getting to watch games.  The weather, the trees turning, autumn colors, comfort foods...ahhhhhh.  Anyway, it's been fun watching Peyton Manning (although I still miss Tebow) and KSU has been awesome!!!  We watched the first game at home and then last weekend we met up with some KSU friends at Buffalo Wild Wings because none of us got the game at home.  Go Wildcats!

Also in the last couple of weeks we joined our church.  We've been attending for almost a year and a half and recently decided to join and become more involved.  We are both on committees now!  Ryan is a Trustee and I am on Staff Parish Relations (which is basically HR).  Anyway, we had to stand up in front of the church and say a little something so I get up there and give my little talk about how long we'd been attending, how excited I was, what a great church, how people might have seen us skirting in late every Sunday (my fault) and so on and so forth...and then I handed the mike to Ryan and he said "Hi, I'm Ryan.  I'm her chauffeur".  Needless to say, everyone in the church now loves him.  Rotten.

The last note I have today is that we undertook cleaning blinds one weekend.  I never, ever want to do it again.  Do you all do this task often?  Seriously, I think it is the worst thing ever.  Although dirty blinds drive us crazy because we're both rather particular...I just really, really thought it was the worst task ever.

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