Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Church Lady pics

I realized I never posted pictures of The Church Lady after all of the body work.  Here she is:

Ryan loves this car.  I still haven't driven it.  Ryan thinks that is weird but I think it is self-preservation on my part.  I have run every single one of Ryan's vehicles (except the Batmobile) into a structure (think parking garage walls, telephone poles) and I don't really want to continue that streak.  He was very forgiving with the trucks but I'm not so certain how he'd feel about me smashing The Church Lady up against the side of our garage or against a light pole at the grocery store.  So, I will continue on my merry way and drive Olive and just enjoy being a passenger in The Church Lady.  :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW....The Church Lady looks amazing! I don't blame you....I would be afraid to drive her as well. Hope you guys have a Happy Valentine's Day!
